EI115 (Open)
- James O’Haire & HFS Eclipse (ISH)
- Alison Holden & O My Balladeer (ISH)
- Daragh Byrne & Kilcannon Ramiro (ISH)

Daniel Meagher with A Classic Sportsfield
- Daniel Meagher & A Classic Sportsfield (ISH)
- Ian Cassells & Shanaclough Quality Clover (ISH)
- Ian Cassells & Shanaclough Carmen (ISH)
EI110 (Open)

Patricia Ryan with The Caped Crusader
- Patricia Ryan & The Caped Crusader (ISH)
- Patrick Whelan & Altitu
- Daniel Alderson & HSH Nacho (ISH)

Alison Holden with Lates Eddie
- Alison Holden & Lates Eddie (ISH)
- Meabh Bolger & MBF Back to Back (ISH)
- Rebecca Coonan & Master Quality Imp (ISH)
EI110 (J)

Susan Shanahan with Eisfee
- Susan Shanahan & Eisfee (Hann)
- Momo Sheehy & TMX Herby
- Tom Rowlatt-McCormick & Skyfall Echo (ISH)
EI110 (P)

Ben Connors with Cornafest Fred (CP)
- Ben Connors & Cornafest Fred (CP)
- Ben Connors & Meelicks River (CP)
- Claire O’Ryan & Carhu Melody (CP)
EI100 (Amateur)
- Michelle Dulohery & Multi Zero Four (ISH)
- John Myers & Mister Blue Chip
- Jennifer Holland & Ballingowan Melody (ISH)
EI100 (P)

Alex O’Hare with Greylands Diamond Girl
- Alex O’Hare & Greylands Diamond Girl
- Lauren Dempsey & Bandit Of Coilltedubh (CP)
- Aine Connolly & Myshall Onzlo (CP)
EI100 (J)

Dorothy Good with Cruising Good Quality
- Dorothy Good & Cruising Good Quality (ISH)
- Godfrey Gibbons & Milchem Miami (ISH)
- Harriet Scott & Santiago Sky (ISH)

Sarah Ennis with Stellor Deelite
- Sarah Ennis & Stellor Deelite (ISH)
- Alyssa O’Neill & Danos Lola (ISH)
- Allan McSweeney & Balladeer Give A Guidam
EI90 (Amateur)

Joanna Jones with Dogora
- Joanna Jones & Dogora (TB)
- Joanna Lewis & Ballybough Brightspark

Robbie Collins with Dunrath Archibald
- Robbie Collins & Dunrath Archibald (TB)
- Nicola Kiernan & Mr OBrien Two You (ISH)
- Daniel Alderson & Nightshift B (ISH)
EI90 (P)

Amelia Scott with Gelato
- Amelia Scott & Gelato (ISH) (180)
- Yvonne Daly & Woodfield Prancer
- Oliver O’Connor & Lickeen Shannon (CP)