Mark Kyle
Mark Kyle had a fall from Jemilla at fence 14 and suffered a broken ankle at the Dodson & Horrell Chatsworth International Horse Trials, which hosted the first leg of the 2017 Event Rider Masters series at Chatsworth House.
Elizabeth Power & Soladoun were the highest placed Irish combination at the event, finishing in seventh place. She is also the first female rider in Chatsworth International Horse Trials history to make the optimum time on cross country, after the fastest round of the day.
CIC 3*:
7th -Elizabeth Power & Soladoun (CIC*** Section A)
14th- Sarah Ennis & BLM Diamond Delux (CIC*** Section A)
Mark Kyle & Jemilla – ELIMINATED after fall X/C @ Fence 14
23rd- Jessica Acheson with Babaloo (CIC*** Section C)
26th_Meghan Healy with Lui D (CIC*** Section C)
Padraig McCarthy with Dromgurrihy Blue WD
David Sheedy with OCS Electric Clover Boy – ELIMINATED X/C @ Fence 14